Current Economic Development

The Macroeconomic Indicators To Watch

What this Index is about

The Current Economic Development (CED) index summarizes six key macro statistics for 42 countries and the Euro area. It focuses on the short-run development and documents which nations are currently doing well and which are struggling.

The CED index considers GDP growth, inflation, unemployment, the public budget balance, the current account balance, and the exchange rate.

All six components are weighted equally, reflecting the fact that there are trade-offs: improvements in one component can come at the price of a deteriorating performance in another variable. This website explains the crucial trade-offs to keep in mind.

The Latest News

April 2024:

  • Denmark again takes the top spot.
  • Hong Kong, Switzerland, Singapore, and Taiwan complete the top-5.
  • Israel falls 8 ranks, from 23rd to 31st.
  • Korea, Malaysia, and the Czech Republic are up 7 ranks each.
  • Despite negative GDP growth (-0.2%), Germany remains 6th.
  • The US ranks 25th. It trails both China (10th) and the Euro area (17th).
  • South Africa is now at the bottom of the ranking.

Current Ranking

Where each country stands right now

The CED index ranks 42 nations and the Euro area according
to six macroeconomic indicators.
Every week the overall ranking is updated with the latest data.

Ranking over Time

The development of each nation

What matters more than a country's ranking position in one week is its track record over time. For all countries, the development can be tracked using historical ranks.


Macro indicators and their interpretation

Why are the selected six indicators important? How to interpret the numbers? The methodology section explains the indicators and points out key trade-offs to keep in mind.


The sources of information

The basis of the ranking is raw data on the macroeconomic development. For transparency reasons, the source and limitations of the data are presented.